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HomeHTMA 40th Anniversary


Est. 1977
written by Marriann Bullard in honor of HTMA's 40th Anniversary

We have one thing in common

On this very special day

We have come here to celebrate


You see, it’s our anniversary

And you ask – how long?

You may have already heard

We are now 40 YEARS STRONG!

And you’ve heard from some young old timers

Of how we came to be

As we repeat a very old saying

“And the rest is history”

And you know, we are thankful to our founders

And their ingenious creative minds

Way back they decided to start a treasury “club”

And make it one of a kind

We are a treasury organization

And proud of the HTMA name

And broadening our horizons

Was definitely part of our game

Five cities make up ATTA

And Houston led the way

We hired an expert conference manager

A super guy named Ray

The national title of NCCMA

Renamed to AFP

And many regionals renamed also

But Houston let it be

We’re a Houston organization of Treasury Managers

Yes, others may think it a sin

That our members are only practitioners

And banker members are not allowed in

But – let me tell you about our bankers

On which every person here depends

Bankers definitely support our profession

And we all have become best friends

Our banks support us with speakers

Conference sponsorship and such

HTMA invented a favorite banker award

Because we love you so much

Yes Texpo and ATTA all began in Houston

And as we grew through the years

It wasn’t all easy going

It took times of blood, sweat and tears

We are all treasury experts

With accounting, tax and insurance too

Treasury connects in areas other than cash

Never running out of things to do

Every person in this room

Has played a giant part

Of supporting the Treasury profession

And giving HTMA their heart

And you see it was all worth it

40 years is a beautiful ride

With members volunteering their time

And our bankers working side by side

So here’s to HTMA

Cheers to a night of fun

We have enjoyed our time together

And we thank you - everyone

So raise your glass and greet your neighbor

And although 40 may be the year

Let’s start 40 more with a promise

And an energetic toast right here